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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness


  • Audiobook Released!

    Just after the Trump-Kamala debate, just in time to help you decipher the endless streams of disinformation coming from the candidates, just as the parties’ surrogates and the Red News and Blue News analysts tell you what to think, I am proud to present the completion of this labor of love.

    Written and read by yours truly, in the hopes of spreading truth, clarity, compassion, and knowledge, this is an audiobook that unpacks corporate media lies and points out a path to a deeper understanding of our world.

    Let me read to you, at your own preferred pace and time:

    » Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Audible) «

    » Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Awesound) «

    Awesound.com is an alternative audiobook distributor that enables you to purchase the book outright and listen to it on any platform you like. I’m running a promo there currently.

    From Bernie to Biden, from Covid to Epstein, from wars to elections, I’ve investigated dozens of recent and historical events in order to illustrate the ways we are deceived. It’s an insidious minefield out there, but I never leave you wallowing in despair over the mountains of disinformation that confront us. The book offers insights and tips from myself and others on how to develop the savvy to discern the truth behind each story—what I call media consciousness. We are in the early phases of a great unveiling, an internet-birthed era that I believe is a New Enlightenment in which we are all gradually awakening to the actual truth about many, many things.

  • Exit Polls are the Thing Wherein to Catch the Conscience of Elections

    Evidence of election fraud always starts with exit polls.

    Exit polls are the most important polls the media commissions. Throughout this fifty-state 2016 Democratic primary between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, the exit polls have shown again and again that the way people have voted, on the one hand, and the way the computerized counting machines have recorded votes, on the other hand, have differed significantly.

    If you’re unfamiliar with exit polls, they are rigorous scientific instruments used throughout the world as a primary deterrent and safeguard against election fraud. While a few media pundits have written that exit polls only provide informal data for election-day media stories, that is far from their only purpose.

    In Serbia, Ukraine, and Georgia, for instance, exit polls have been used to overturn elections. In Ukraine, when the recorded vote differed from the exit polls by more than 2%, people immediately knew something was amiss, there were protests in the streets, and the entire election was thrown out. The US State Department itself dubbed that Ukraine election fraudulent based largely on the variance from the exit polls. The State Department considers 2% to be the standard margin of error allowed for an election to be considered fair and authentic.

    But for elections here in this country — even one involving a former head of the State Department itself — exit polls have been ignored by elections officials and the corporate media if they differ from the reported results. In state after state, (more…)

  • The Connection Between Brexit and Bernie

    Leon Neal / AFP

    It has never been more important to ‘think global, act local.’

    The movement in Britain to leave the EU and the movement to elect Bernie Sanders in the US share an underlying cause. Across the world today there is massive dissatisfaction and anger with how global capitalist rule is converging into smaller and smaller units with more and more power via elite agreements — NAFTA, WTO, TPP perhaps, and yes, the EU. These elite agreements are driving down wages for nearly everyone, destroying the environment, and starting or abetting wars.

    There are several responses to this dissatisfaction and anger.

    One shortsighted and simplistic response is xenophobia and isolationism. This response is manifest in the appeal of the Brexit vote and in the appeal of Donald Trump. If you can tell yourself that it’s your neighbor — rather than unregulated global corporate rule — that is making people you know lose their healthcare, their jobs, or their homes, then you can close a symbolic door to the world.

    The more challenging response is manifest in the rise of Bernie Sanders — and also in the push to radically democratize the EU. People across the world (more…)

  • Is Democracy Dead in California?

    Mounting evidence indicates corruption and a stolen election.

    Let us not mince words California. This has been a disgusting month for democracy here in our state. A massively important election was probably stolen via voter suppression and election fraud, and Hillary Clinton was prematurely named the winner. Are we going to stand for it?

    Senator Bernie Sanders and his supporters will all fight on, to the convention in July, and beyond. Sanders has made this clear during his speeches.

    But the truth is, he shouldn’t have to fight on, at least not like this.

    On June 7, Sanders not only won North Dakota and Montana, he probably also won California, as well as South Dakota and New Mexico.

    It appears that the media, together with someone high up in the Democratic National Committee, conspired to, first, call the entire nomination on June 6, a day no one voted, and then to take advantage of cancelled exit polls — an essential check against fraud — to steal the election.

    Worse, California seems to be another state in a string of suspicious elections.

    For those of us who remain patriots, who still deeply treasure democracy, who remember the millions of people all over the world who have laid down their lives for this precious thing — the right to vote — we are at a crucial moment. (more…)

  • Chances Are, You’re Already a Democratic Socialist

    Are you a democratic socialist? If you haven’t already thought about it, yes, you probably are. In my experience, most decent people in the United States today are democratic socialists, even if they don’t know it yet.

    Democratic socialism is the main reason we’re not living in a fascist or feudalist country right now.

    Essentially all developed countries on earth today, including the US, have a mix of two basic economic systems: socialism and capitalism. Let’s look at these two fundamental approaches to distribution of wealth and power.

    socialist — in the interest of society
    capitalist — in the interest of capital

    Capitalist policies favor people and corporations who have the most wealth or capital to invest to create more wealth. If left unattended, over a few decades, a purely capitalist system will crystallize a small .01% of a population who are (more…)

  • Bernie Sanders Has Been Winning for Two Months, Building Momentum to Beat Trump

    This tortoise-and-hare Democratic Primary would be even closer if it weren’t for election suppression and fraud.

    While the majority of the pledged delegates during the first half of the Democratic Primary went to Hillary Clinton, here in the second half of the primary Bernie Sanders has won the majority of the delegates. The Sanders campaign has actually been winning for two months now, and it is his campaign that is seen now as building momentum towards the Democratic Convention and the general election.

    There’s an important difference between “winning” and “being ahead.” Long distance runners know this well. In the proverbial animal marathon that featured a tortoise and a hare, one competitor was ahead for most of the race, but it was the other runner who was winning as the race went into its final stretch. We all know who won that race.

    Long distance runners will tell you, winning doesn’t require being in the lead at all times. Winning requires executing a winning strategy and running faster than your opponent at key times.

    Bernie Sanders is running faster than Hillary Clinton right now, winning more delegates, and gaining more in popularity, in the polls, and in public perception. He recently won the Indiana and West Virginia primaries, too, and in coming days and weeks he could win Oregon, New Jersey, and California, as well.

    Pervasive Election Irregularities Slowing One Candidate Down

    As has been documented widely, this Democratic Primary has been plagued with more voter suppression and outright fraud than any in recent memory. Whether that’s because there really is more election crime going on in 2016, or if it’s simply because we have more cases documented by microbloggers, independent websites, and alternative media — I don’t know.

    What I do know is that election crime has been far more prevalent on the Democratic side than on the Republican side, and it has almost always negatively impacted the Sanders campaign.

    While the corporate media (CNN, New York Times, Fox, MSNBC, etc.) tend to report on election crime immediately after a given primary, these news sources tend to go silent within a few days and not stay with the story. They typically surrender their headlines to something about Donald Trump. Many alternative sources, on the other hand, understand that this is a crucial story. What could be more important than improper administration of the elections themselves? For instance, Redacted Tonight, a news-comedy show in the tradition of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, has been brilliant, funny, and brutally honest about election crime this time around. In this clip, host Lee Camp calls out both New York and Chicago elections boards for crimes and incompetence (apologies for salty language):

    According to some analyses, if we had had completely fair elections in New York and Arizona — let alone in Missouri, Alabama, Maryland, and Illinois — we might be talking about a tied delegate race right now, or even a slight lead for Sanders if you consider how momentum and media perceptions shift after victories. Bernie might not only be running faster today, he might also be ahead.

    Who Has the Winning Strategy?

    However, we don’t know whether New York— or any of the other states under investigation — will count their provisional ballots or address the countless election crimes. So we’re left with the delegate count as it is today: 1,440 for Sanders and 1,713 for Clinton.

    Clinton clearly is the preferred candidate among elite members of the Democratic National Committee — the politicians and lobbyists who write the rules for the televised debates (and who seem to have fixed the Nevada state convention this past weekend). The corporate media also has shown a marked preference for the Clinton campaign, giving it far more detailed and positive coverage than the Sanders campaign, sometimes even calling her the “presumptive nominee.”

    Nevertheless, by most other measures, her campaign is losing momentum right now. She is liked by fewer and fewer voters with each passing month and is considered untrustworthy by majorities in many state primaries, according to exit polls. Her rallies are sparsely attended in comparison to Bernie’s and even to Trump’s. Worse still, by not calling out the voter suppression and fraud that she has benefited from, she has alienated many — perhaps most — Sanders supporters. She could follow through on her stated intention to ‘unite the party’ by calling for every caucus, primary, and convention to be fair and free of suppression, but she remains remarkably silent on the matter. Her campaign couldn’t single-handedly remedy all election issues, of course, but by speaking out about it she could remedy some of the issues, join with the Sanders campaign to rectify others, and reestablish trust with everyday Democratic voters by simply trying.

    But she hasn’t done this, and it’s moved beyond a curiosity to a genuine problem exacerbating a perception that she is untrustworthy. Going into the general election without the Democratic base behind you is certainly not a “winning strategy,” regardless of whether you start that race slightly ahead or slightly behind on the track.

    Is Bernie Sanders a ‘Dark Horse’?

    Meanwhile, the momentum Bernie Sanders has built in the Democratic Primary will translate directly into momentum in the general election.

    Sanders still is packing rallies with thousands and thousands of supporters — and not just in enthusiastic states like California, where 27,000 came out on little notice to fill a Sacramento stadium, but even in supposedly apathetic states like Indiana and longtime red states like North Dakota.

    Poll after poll finds Sanders far ahead of Trump, while Hillary Clinton is in a statistical dead heat with Trump in many polls. Indeed, when independents are allowed to vote — and independents now nearly constitute the majority of American voters — Bernie not only outpolls Clinton and Trump in head-to-head contests, but he wins putative three-way races as well. His approval numbers are also better than President Obama’s.

    Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the country right now.

    He’s “winning,” but can he pull ahead?

    Neither Bernie nor Hillary Will Cross the Finish Line

    Even if you’re running faster than your opponent at the end of the race, you lose if your opponent crosses the finish line first. Does Bernie Sanders have enough of the race left to catch Hillary Clinton after her hare-like big early wins in the south, back before Sanders was well known?

    It’s hard to say. Both candidates need 2,383 delegates to clinch the nomination. That’s the finish line. Neither of them is likely to reach this number before the race ends. That’s right — it’s essentially impossible for either Sanders or Clinton to reach 2,383 delegates by the time the race ends on June 14 in the final primary in Washington, D.C.

    I’ll repeat: neither candidate is going to cross the finish line.

    It will be the other delegates—the “superdelegates” — who determine the winner of this race, and the superdelegates don’t vote until July 25. Thus the winner will not be determined during the race but rather six weeks after the race ends. One of the runners will be crowned, not on their own merits, but rather by preference of special members of the DNC who get a vote at the convention.

    Which Candidate is Executing a Winning Strategy?

    When the superdelegates weigh the options, who’s “ahead” at the time of the convention might be less important than who’s “winning.” If Clinton starts winning most of the primaries again, if she can establish a solid lead over Trump in the polls, if she can survive the intensifying FBI investigation over divulging classified documents, and if she can somehow become more likeable and electable to independents, she will likely be given the nomination, particularly given her deep connections with the Democratic Party elite.

    On the other hand, if Clinton has been losing for several months, as is the case today, and if Bernie is still packing his rallies like a rock star, raising money by the millions, and holding double-digit leads over Donald Trump in the polls — as he does today — he could be named the winner of the race.

    Even corporate media pundits have begun asking whether it’s time for Democrats to just admit Bernie is the stronger candidate.

    At the end of the day — and at the end of this preliminary race — the DNC isn’t stupid. They want to win in November. If the candidate with the momentum, the money, the record, the approval ratings, and the grassroots movement behind him remains slightly “behind” in pledged delegates but really just seems to have run out of race track, many superdelegates will choose him as the nominee.

    Bernie Sanders is certainly running faster right now. He also just might be the one executing a winning strategy.

  • A Vote for the World: Bernie Sanders for President

    It is a rare, historic moment right now in the United States. There is a political movement to take our democracy back from the giant corporations that have been running things, a movement aligned with the great progressive movements of history, a movement to tackle society’s most pressing problems, a movement to spread wealth and power more broadly among the American people.

    In this rare moment, Double Happiness is proud to make its first-ever political endorsement: Bernie Sanders for President of the United States.

    Here are four reasons Bernie Sanders and this movement are uniquely positioned to do great things for this country and our planet.

    1. Bernie Sanders doesn’t accept corporate contributions or run a “Super PAC” to bundle corporate money. In our corrupted political landscape, this is amazingly rare, essentially unique. Because of this, Bernie Sanders will be able to be his own president and not be beholden to the giant banks and corporations that normally fund candidates’ campaigns for office. This will enable him to take action nimbly (more…)
  • Sanders is Strongest General Election Candidate: Crushing Trump 53% to 38%

    The Vermont Senator is poised to arrive at the Democratic convention as the stronger candidate to take on Trump.

    Senator Bernie Sanders would defeat Donald Trump relatively easily in a general election, according to the latest polls. An average of the three most recent major polls predicts a victory of more than 14 points, which would be a landslide in modern presidential politics.

    • CNN/ORC, May 1: Sanders obliterates Trump by 16 points
    • IBD/TIPP, April 28: Sanders defeats Trump by 12 points
    • USA Today/Suffolk, April 24: Sanders defeats Trump by 15 points

    As the country adjusts to the notion that a xenophobic, racist billionaire will be the Republican candidate for the presidency in November, no doubt many hope the strongest candidate emerges from the Democratic Party to defeat him.

    The polls are clear on who that candidate is.

    And at this point, it isn’t just (more…)

  • Hillary Clinton Says It’s About ‘Hard Choices’ But Admits Many of Her Choices Were Wrong

    Hillary Clinton has stated many times that being president isn’t about grand ideas but about making “hard choices.” She even titled her book Hard Choices, and she has used this phrase regularly on the campaign trail.

    She’s right: making difficult decisions is an essential part of leadership. But making the right choice is what great leadership requires, and even by her own admission many of her choices have been wrong.

    Let’s review:

    (Yes, you are owed an apology in advance that the list is so long.)

    • For years Hillary Clinton promoted fracking while she was Secretary of State, but now she regrets her support.
    • She was, and still is, personally invested in (more…)
  • Only Voter Suppression Can Stop Bernie Sanders

    Only Voter Suppression Can Stop Bernie Sanders

    The most popular politician in the country is up against all three facets of the American political power structure, and he has already defeated two.

    After weeks of inspiration and joy, there was anger and sadness this past week in the Bernie Sanders movement. After historic rallies throughout the state, Hillary Clinton’s apparent victory in New York left millions in the movement wondering whether it was the corporate media or the Democratic National Committee that was screwing them over. There’s plenty of blame to go around, but it’s a third culprit who deserves their scorn.

    Yes, the DNC has actively worked to rig this primary for Hillary Clinton, by minimizing and delaying the debates, by counting superdelegates as if they vote before July’s convention, and by surreptitiously funneling money to her campaign that was solicited for down-ticket candidates.

    Yes, there have also been countless instances of blatant propaganda in the corporate media, most galling perhaps the ones appearing daily in the New York Times and NPR — the so-called “N-axis” — where many thoughtful urban Democrats get their news. So tendentious has Paul Krugman become, for instance, one can only assume he’s angling for a position in a Hillary Clinton cabinet

    But the Bernie movement has it’s own sources of news, thanks to the Internet you’re using right now, and the campaign has its own sources of funds, too, thanks to the number 27.

    The Elephant in the Room

    The obstacle that the movement has to confront right now is something else: the voting system itself. (more…)

  • There Is a Moderate Republican in this Race, but She’s Running as a Democrat

    Historical perspective on Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton

    Who is the real Democrat — Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? Why are fringe candidates getting all of the attention this year? Who are the moderates?

    These questions can all be answered by understanding something that has been unfolding for forty years: The center of American politics has shifted steadily to the right. Today neither party is even remotely similar to what it was when Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, for example, first entered politics.

    In the late 1970s, as large corporations turned into transnational giants, they pumped huge amounts of cash into the political system. This largesse lured, first, the Republican Party, in the 80s, followed by the Democratic Party in the 90s, and precipitated a rightward political shift as both parties rewrote their policies to compete for the same corporate contributions.

    Before this, from 1932–1976, the Democratic Party as a whole was far more progressive. The issues and approaches advocated today by Bernie Sanders (more…)