Episode 3: Media Lying Again About the Origin of the Virus
13 2023

I laid out the facts in an earlier episode of the Red White & Blind show: The mainstream corporate media—and the New York Times in particular—hasn’t yet in three years published a neutral piece on the question of the virus’s origin.
Just after I released that video, more evidence emerged favoring the likelihood of a lab origin. But once again, rather than present that evidence fairly, a new round of corporate media narrative management has besieged us.
So this episode explores the newest revelations and the latest narrative control on perhaps the most important questions of our time: Where Did that Virus Come From?
I Suppose I Told You So
Long before I made either episode, I penned a long treatise on this topic of the origin of sars-cov-2. At the time, way back in the summer of 2021, I was only about 85% certain about my conclusions, and so I approached the topic with attention, care, and curiosity. The media was presenting the story at the time as if it were still an 85% certainty the other way—that the virus had originated through “natural zoonosis.” I knew that was wrong. I undertook many weeks of research, and I published a piece in June 2021 entitled Where Did the Virus Come From? You can still read it there on my blog.
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