Audiobook Released!
12 2024

Just after the Trump-Kamala debate, just in time to help you decipher the endless streams of disinformation coming from the candidates, just as the parties’ surrogates and the Red News and Blue News analysts tell you what to think, I am proud to present the completion of this labor of love.
Written and read by yours truly, in the hopes of spreading truth, clarity, compassion, and knowledge, this is an audiobook that unpacks corporate media lies and points out a path to a deeper understanding of our world.
Let me read to you, at your own preferred pace and time:

» Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Audible) «
» Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Awesound) « is an alternative audiobook distributor that enables you to purchase the book outright and listen to it on any platform you like. I’m running a promo there currently.
From Bernie to Biden, from Covid to Epstein, from wars to elections, I’ve investigated dozens of recent and historical events in order to illustrate the ways we are deceived. It’s an insidious minefield out there, but I never leave you wallowing in despair over the mountains of disinformation that confront us. The book offers insights and tips from myself and others on how to develop the savvy to discern the truth behind each story—what I call media consciousness. We are in the early phases of a great unveiling, an internet-birthed era that I believe is a New Enlightenment in which we are all gradually awakening to the actual truth about many, many things.
There are forces who seek to keep us in the dark, and they are ramping up the deception, propaganda, and censorship in the daily news, particularly as this election approaches. Learning to see clearly—or as clearly as we can—is crucial.
Click here to support my work and to listen to the audiobook today:
» Red White & Blind (the audiobook) «
If you do, you’ll also learn about media consciousness, the New Enlightenment, and much more:
- How the Father of Propaganda convinced Americans to love bananas, smoking, World War I, and the color green.
- Why the notion of “objective, professional journalism” was invented in the early 1900s.
- How the CIA placed agents in the media and why they likely still do.
- How to understand family and friends with opposing political views.
- Why today’s social media censorship violates the First Amendment.
- Why “fact-checking” websites always fail.
- The modern meaning of “gaslighting,” “shadowbanning,” and “narrative management.”
Today, as this presidential election approaches its conclusion, as a heady season of last-minute candidate swaps and near-miss assassination attempts gives way to televised debates and early voting, why not do yourself a favor and learn a bit about the history of propaganda and how to unpack the corporate media’s narratives?
Click here to begin listening:
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