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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

Audiobook Released!

Just after the Trump-Kamala debate, just in time to help you decipher the endless streams of disinformation coming from the candidates, just as the parties’ surrogates and the Red News and Blue News analysts tell you what to think, I am proud to present the completion of this labor of love.

Written and read by yours truly, in the hopes of spreading truth, clarity, compassion, and knowledge, this is an audiobook that unpacks corporate media lies and points out a path to a deeper understanding of our world.

Let me read to you, at your own preferred pace and time:

» Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Audible) «

» Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Awesound) «

Awesound.com is an alternative audiobook distributor that enables you to purchase the book outright and listen to it on any platform you like. I’m running a promo there currently.

From Bernie to Biden, from Covid to Epstein, from wars to elections, I’ve investigated dozens of recent and historical events in order to illustrate the ways we are deceived. It’s an insidious minefield out there, but I never leave you wallowing in despair over the mountains of disinformation that confront us. The book offers insights and tips from myself and others on how to develop the savvy to discern the truth behind each story—what I call media consciousness. We are in the early phases of a great unveiling, an internet-birthed era that I believe is a New Enlightenment in which we are all gradually awakening to the actual truth about many, many things.


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Posted in Audiobook | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on September 12, 2024

Audiobook Options and Promo

The audiobook was released three days ago, but when I sent out the message announcing it, I said the book was “available everywhere great audiobooks are sold.” As it turns out, this last bit wasn’t true. It went up immediately on Audible and Amazon, but to my surprise, many other platforms didn’t immediately make it available.

To rectify the situation, if you’re waiting to listen to RW&B on your phone or other app, I’ve uploaded the book for now to the completely independent site Awesound, which enables you to listen to the audiobook on any platform you choose.

Much like the brave and brilliant independent media news sources I highlight in the Red White & Blind, Awesound cuts out the middlemen and the hidden algorithms. The site enables authors to simply sell audiobooks to interested readers, and it’s a great way to enjoy audiobooks on your phone, laptop, or car receiver.

As a token of my appreciation to my substack readers, and to encourage use of this independent channel, I’ve marked the audiobook on Awesound down from $23.95 to $15. Nice!

Get it here, on or before September 30:

Get the audiobook now at the awesome Awesound.com

One other nice thing about Awesound, is that can display notes from the author on every chapter. So instead of just seeing the chapter title, you see a little “what’s inside” of each chapter to better jump around to find segments of the book.


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Posted in Audiobook | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on September 15, 2024

Audiobook Landing Soon & Much More

I’m delighted to announce that the audiobook of Red White & Blind is complete. Putting it together has been a long labor of love, and now it will launch in a matter of weeks—no later than the first week of September. If you prefer listening to books with your ears over reading them with your eyes, you will now get to enjoy this book in your desired format.

When I first considered how to create the audiobook, I reviewed the manuscript and realized that many segments would be best delivered in my own voice. So I set out to read the entire thing, from start to finish, forgetting for a moment how huge an effort it is to record an audiobook. And this book is longer and more complex than the narrative nonfiction of my first book, Double Happiness, so it took a bit more to get it over the finish line. The project even grew a bit as I went. I realized it needed audio breaks to indicate section breaks and new chapters, so I sat down and recorded some guitar riffs and interspersed them into the audio flow. I also employed a female voice to read the primary sources authored by women, and that female voice belongs to a human very important to me: my amazing wife Pamela.

So this audiobook turned into something approaching a radio play.

And now it’s done. I think you’ll enjoy the final product quite a bit if I do say so myself. It will be released and ready for your enjoyment in just a few weeks.

More From This Newsletter

In other news—and there’s a lot of it these days with all that’s going on in the world—I believe I can help people see the world more clearly if I engage more fully with this newsletter. I will be adding more features here and on the video channel, and I hope you’ll let me know what you find valuable and useful.


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Posted in Audiobook | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on August 2, 2024

Episode 5: Assange, Tucker, the Great Reset, and the American Mood

Will Assange know justice? Will Super Tuesday end the primary season?

A full, new episode of the Red White & Blind show is out. Sit back and enjoy the full episode, or choose the individual segment that interests you most.

To me, they’re all important, but the most pressing is the case of Julian Assange. A verdict in England will be handed down any day now on his extradition. For the sake of international law and press freedom, he must be set free today or he will languish and die very soon in an American prison—and this thing we call investigative journalism will become all but illegal.


Click to watch the full episode (65 min)

Watch on Rumble >

Watch on YouTube >



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Posted in Red, White & Blind | The Show & Podcast
by Tony Brasunas on March 5, 2024

Episode 4: The Twitter Files, War in Israel, RFK Jr., and the GOP Speaker Switch

  1. What should every American know about the Twitter Files? Why were they such bombshells in the modern debate over Free Speech?
  2. Beyond the media bias, what is an ethical understanding of the war in Israel? What is the likely outcome of the horrible conflict?
  3. What does RFK Jr.’s burgeoning presidential campaign portend for the 2024 race?
  4. What really caused the ouster of GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy?

These are the questions explored in this new RW&B episode. This episode also unveils a new studio and a new format for the show.

The goals of Red White & Blind remain unchanged: To break the deceptive spells of the corporate media and discern the story behind the story.

Sit back and enjoy the full episode, or choose an individual segment…


Click to watch the full episode (45 min)

YouTube >

Rumble >


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Posted in Red, White & Blind | The Show & Podcast
by Tony Brasunas on November 10, 2023

Red White & Blind Meets Spiral Dynamics

I’ll be presenting tomorrow to a global group studying a new evolutionary model.

I don’t usually post my podcast or conference appearances here on my blog, but this one tomorrow will be special and participatory, and I thought it might be of interest.

Also, for those of you not in the US, or not in the Pacific timezone, this is an opportunity to join an RW&B event at an earlier time than I’m usually available—7 a.m.! That translates to 10 a.m. on the east coast and a reasonable 3 p.m. in London.

What is Spiral Dynamics Theory? The Only Guide You Need

Spiral Dynamics is a fascinating model depicting the evolutionary development of individuals, organizations, and societies. Rather than the antiquated notion of a straight line of progress, Spiral Dynamics portrays evolution as a cyclical phenomenon in which humans and organizations grow and incorporate higher skills and attributes while continuously reintegrating many lower skills and attributes.

I’m certainly no expert on Spiral Dynamics. I have only a superficial knowledge of the concepts and model at this point, and I look forward to learning and to a lively conversation. I see ways in which the New Enlightenment—which I observe unfolding today through the broadening distribution of knowledge and truth—is inspiring humanity to new levels of potential and possibility.

What could be in store for us next?

Spiral Dynamics Integral Live
Join us on Saturday, October 14th, 2023
Topic: Presentation by author Tony Brasunas — Exploring Media Bias on the Spiral

Come join us! All are welcome. Zoom link is posted below.

Why were the sordid deeds of Jeffrey Epstein concealed for two decades? Why was the origin of COVID-19 suppressed in the corporate news? Why are social media sites silencing scientists, scholars, journalists, and doctors?

Red White & Blind is a censored journalist’s story and a deep dive into the mechanisms of the American media. Through riveting exposés, Tony Brasunas reveals the insidious use of disinformation and social media censorship in America. Tony will share historical insights gathered while writing his book as well as an optimistic path through these polarized times that new modes of information exchange enable. We are already in the early phases of a New Enlightenment, Brasunas posits, which is drawing humanity into the higher levels of the SDi. 

After the presentation, we will open the discussion to the group.

The link to join is below. See you there!


Meeting ID: 835 5870 2973
Passcode: 554076
Starting Times:
  7:00 AM                             Pacific – USA
  8:00 AM                             Mountain – USA
  9:00 AM                             Central – USA
10:00 AM                             Eastern – USA
  3:00 PM                             London
  4:00 PM                             Madrid, Berlin, Cairo 
  5:00 PM                             Tel Aviv & Moscow
  7:30 PM                             New Delhi, India
10:00 PM                             Shanghai, China
12:00 AM (Sunday)            Sydney, Australia

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Posted in Book Readings | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on October 13, 2023