Episode 5: Assange, Tucker, the Great Reset, and the American Mood
5 2024
Will Assange know justice? Will Super Tuesday end the primary season?
A full, new episode of the Red White & Blind show is out. Sit back and enjoy the full episode, or choose the individual segment that interests you most.
To me, they’re all important, but the most pressing is the case of Julian Assange. A verdict in England will be handed down any day now on his extradition. For the sake of international law and press freedom, he must be set free today or he will languish and die very soon in an American prison—and this thing we call investigative journalism will become all but illegal.


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Agree, disagree? Love it, hate it? Wish I went about it all differently?
Let me know! I’m still learning about how to set this show up, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the selected topics, the new studio setup, and the overall approach of the show.
RED WHITE & BLIND is a book, a newsletter, and a video channel. The book is the center of it all, a deep dive into the history of fake news, disinformation, and censorship in America—and how to navigate the news today. I packed the book with everything I believe you need to understand the predicament we’re in: from Operation Mockingbird to social media censorship, from gaslighting to why “fact checkers” don’t check facts. The book also reveals a path forward to an era of broader awareness of the world, the New Enlightenment. Get your copy today.
This newsletter and video channel aim to apply the lessons of the book in real time. We break the spells of narrative management by condensing and reviewing important current news stories from a variety of establishment and anti-establishment sources.
If you like what you’re seeing, please share this article and the videos. It’s all a labor of love and completely free, but it does take tons of time to put together. If you appreciate this type of investigative journalism, please consider becoming a contributing or founding member of RW&B today to support me to do more of this work. Thank you!
Red White & Blind.
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