Audiobook Options and Promo
15 2024
The audiobook was released three days ago, but when I sent out the message announcing it, I said the book was “available everywhere great audiobooks are sold.” As it turns out, this last bit wasn’t true. It went up immediately on Audible and Amazon, but to my surprise, many other platforms didn’t immediately make it available.
To rectify the situation, if you’re waiting to listen to RW&B on your phone or other app, I’ve uploaded the book for now to the completely independent site Awesound, which enables you to listen to the audiobook on any platform you choose.
Much like the brave and brilliant independent media news sources I highlight in the Red White & Blind, Awesound cuts out the middlemen and the hidden algorithms. The site enables authors to simply sell audiobooks to interested readers, and it’s a great way to enjoy audiobooks on your phone, laptop, or car receiver.
As a token of my appreciation to my substack readers, and to encourage use of this independent channel, I’ve marked the audiobook on Awesound down from $23.95 to $15. Nice!
Get it here, on or before September 30:

One other nice thing about Awesound, is that can display notes from the author on every chapter. So instead of just seeing the chapter title, you see a little “what’s inside” of each chapter to better jump around to find segments of the book.
The other platforms will feature this promotional price until September 30 too—as soon as they make it available, which should be any day now.
If you’ve already purchased it at Audible and would prefer to listen with Awesound and get the promotional price, just let me know and I’ll get you a redemption code.
Best wishes, and happy listening!
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