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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness


  • Vote on the Book Cover!

    This book is nearly complete. Years of research and writing have culminated in Red, White & Blind, a deep and thorough investigation into censorship and misinformation in America, and what to do about it. My hope is that it prompts some great conversations and helps at least a few Americans see the world a little more truthfully.

    Like every book, this one now needs a cover.

    I’m working with a professional cover designer, and we have several that I believe have great potential. Can you help me by voting below for the one(s) that you find most compelling?

    Note: All the covers are works in progress and will improve once we choose the best to focus on. The subtitle is also a work in progress and will likely change.

    Size Matters

    The ideal cover will look great both on a bookstore shelf and as a small thumbnail image in an Amazon listing. If you were in a bookstore, which cover would draw you in? In your opinion, should the cover evoke the many topics explored — such as social media censorship and a “balanced media diet” — or do you prefer simplicity? Essentially, I want to present a great image to attract the people who would enjoy and benefit from the investigation — as well as to draw in those who might, you know, judge a book by its…


  • Big Announcement

    This is the day. I am unveiling something I’ve been working on for a very long time. I’m a bit nervous, but I know it’s time. In fact it’s about a week later than I’d planned.

    The corporate media is tearing us apart as a nation by telling different groups different versions of the same story. Worse, many of us hide our true thoughts for fear of being shamed or “canceled” at work or by those in our own families and communities.

    After being censored by Huffington Post in 2016 for covering the Democratic Primary from the wrong perspective, I’ve been researching and working on this book for two years now, with the hope that the underlying story on media distortion, disinformation, and censorship might be of use to you. I hope it will start some great, fruitful conversations.

    So here it is, the title of my book, the name of my new video show, and a logo for it all.

    Check it out, give it a chance, and as always, I would love to hear your thoughts.

    Without further ado:

  • Big Announcement Coming Soon

    I haven’t written much here in a while. Hey, that’s about to change!

    I’ve been hard at work on a book on media distortion. I feel it’s some of the most important work of my life. I’ve been researching and writing with every spare minute over the past twelve months. My hope is that this work will be of use to you.

    At the end of next week, I will unveil the book’s title and cover. I’m a bit nervous about it, to be honest, as I’ve been holding this name close to my chest for all these months. It will be the title of the book and the name of these emails going forward.

    Beta Readers

    The book is nearly done but here’s one final chance if you would like to help me write it! If you can read the manuscript in 3 weeks and point out any gaping holes in my analysis or my research, or flaws in the structure of the book, that would be amazing. You’ll get a sneak peek at the title, cover, logo, and publication date before anyone else, a mention in the Acknowledgements, and my eternal gratitude 🙂 The four Alpha Readers were heroic, brilliant, and extremely helpful!

    My Thoughts

    As for my thoughts (on covid, Ukraine, censorship, the California primary, science and the suppression thereof, the shooting in Uvalde, Amber Heard, Bill Gates, etc), that is all coming soon as well. Well, maybe not on every one of those topics. For now, I humbly recommend a Balanced Media Diet >


    That’s it. More from me next week!

  • Where Did the Virus Come From?

    I first drafted this article a month ago, and I planned to use this first paragraph as an apology for delving into one of the media’s taboo subject areas, a “debunked conspiracy theory.” Cue the scary music.

    How quickly tides turn. The past month has been stunning. Rarely does such a monolithic media narrative disintegrate so quickly. We are in a “Weapons of Mass Destruction” moment. A sacrosanct pillar of a narrative justifying government power is crumbling before our eyes.

    If you’re already certain about the origin of the virus, or just don’t have time to read this full investigation and timeline, you can scroll down to “The Takeaways,” where I explain what I think this news means.

    As recently as the first week of May, very few people in establishment media or mainstream politics were talking about the origin of the virus. It was a forbidden topic as it had been for the entirety of 2020. The mainstream media called it a “fringe” “conspiracy theory.” Vaunted “fact-checkers” called it a pants-on-fire lie. Just asking basic questions about the origin of sars-cov-2 got journalists, doctors, and entire independent media sources deplatformed, censored, demonetized, or “fact-checked” as liars and kooks.

    Things have changed in a splendid hurry. It’s fascinating, and I think it’s essential to understand what this means for our understanding of the world today.


    The two theories for the origin of this virus are the “lab leak hypothesis” and the “natural zoonotic hypothesis.” We could compare the evidence for the two, but at this point there is so much evidence for the former and so little for the latter, it’s not a fair fight. What I’ve decided instead is to write up and share a timeline that demonstrates how I and many others arrived at what I believe is about 90% certainty on the origin of this virus.


  • What is the Great Reset?

    Is a global authoritarian government about to take control of human life on this planet?

    I try to avoid the term “Conspiracy Theory.” I believe it’s the anti-intellectual term of our era, the modern day blasphemy, the slur used to shut down free inquiry and imply that critical thinkers’ very thoughts are sinful or beyond contemplation. 

    But when exploring “the Great Reset,” it’s hard not to run across the word “conspiracy.” 

    That’s because there is something going on. It’s not theory anymore. When it’s mentioned on the news, when even automotive journals refer to it casually, it’s no longer speculation to debate the “Great Reset,” an out-in-the-open plan of global elites to act together as a sort of uber-government and make decisions for us all. A Great Reset is the stated policy of the powerful World Economic Forum, which hosts the annual Davos meetings. Last summer they hosted a giant “Great Reset” gathering and chairman Klaus Schwab wrote a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset

     “Freedom is always the freedom of the one who thinks differently.” 

    – Rosa Luxemberg

    In the well-researched words of Robert F Kennedy Jr.:

  • Introducing the 2021 Balanced Media Diet

    I’ve been writing here lately all about the covid treatments and the covid injections. Did you maybe, perhaps, sort of discover that you read something here that you hadn’t read elsewhere? 

    My guess is that if you don’t get your news from a broad variety of sources, you’ve likely received some unfamiliar information from me.

    But is it the truth? Wouldn’t it be nice to find a true news source, a media outlet that simply reported the unbiased truth about each day’s events? 

    Yes, that would be nice. 

    It would also be nice if Santa Claus were real. The problem is, every news source has biases — this is a focus of a whole chapter in my book. There is no one single source that can be trusted on everything. Even if I could write emails like this on a daily basis, getting only my perspective wouldn’t be ideal either. 

    And there isn’t only bias to consider. As I mentioned at the top, there is now censorship too, that demon of every repressive government and power structure. 

    We have pundits on CNN openly advocating censorship of independent media. We have Alexandria

    Ocasio-Cortez, for whom I had so much respect as recently as a year ago, directing  supporters to censor friends on social media. Would you like to live in a world where an email like this one is deleted by Google prior to arriving in your inbox? If we listen to corporate media today, it’s closer than you think. As in that CNN clip, it will be discussed in corporate media as a way to “protect people” from “violent extremism,” and just like that our ability to communicate freely will be gone. That’s the trend, a return to the Dark Ages where only anointed clerics of business and high priests of government can speak on matters of “science.” The crucial drive of the Enlightenment was leaving the Dark Ages behind by taking science and the search for truth out of the hands of the powerful; we should never tolerate regression on this.

  • The Latest (Good) News on COVID Treatments

    I wrote last week on the experimental injection. Perhaps you want to get it, perhaps you’ll say no thanks. That’s your choice. Let’s turn now to the other option: treatments for the virus.

    I don’t believe it’s entirely a coincidence, in light of the billions in profits now raining down on the drugmakers, that news has been suppressed about successful treatments for covid that use inexpensive generic medications. If there are effective treatments for a disease, why would every last man, woman, and child on earth need an expensive, risky preventative injection?

    I’ve been following developments with treatments via independent media closely for months now. Here is an exploration of the best performing treatments to date and where the latest studies are with each. Although I’ve been researching these things for many months, I’m certainly not a doctor, and so I’ve probably missed some things — please feel free to reply and point them out. I’m always learning and this is an evolving topic. 

    The best of the many suppressed treatments for COVID-19:

    1. Ivermectin

    Ivermectin (brand names: Soolantra, Stromectol, Sklice) was isolated in Japan in the 1970s from streptomyces bacteria found to have tremendous anti-parasitic properties. It’s been used widely ever since, across the world, and won its inventors a Nobel prize.

    Evidence for the use of this safe and well-established medication to treat COVID-19 emerged last summer and has been growing ever since.

    Here is a list of over 30 studies showing strong to very strong benefits as both prophylaxis and treatment. Ivermectin Studies >

  • A Shot in the Dark

    It’s an enormous issue, this so-called “vaccine.” It’s also an obvious place to notice the diverging media worlds that exist today almost like parallel universes. In independent media, you’ll often hear dozens of reasons to be hesitant if not downright suspicious about this rushed billion-dollar pharmaceutical that isn’t FDA approved, uses brand-new technology, and skipped normal phases of safety trials. In the corporate media world, on the other hand, this injection is clearly the best thing since sliced bread and the tiny fringe of weirdos who even question jabbing this miracle cocktail deep into their muscles tomorrow need not be taken seriously.

    Let’s dig in.

    An Experimental Therapeutic Injection

    First, I will be referring to the shots developed so far as “experimental injections.” We could also call them “experimental gene therapy injections” or “experimental chemotherapy.” The word “experimental” is necessary as this product has received only an emergency authorization, isn’t formally approved, and hasn’t undergone normal testing. It fits only the FDA’s description of “investigational” or “experimental.” I don’t find the word “vaccine” to be merited since none of these injections prevents infection or transmission. Thus none of them fits the legal, public health, or common-sense definition of a vaccine. A “vaccine” is something that provides a public health benefit, immunity, rather than just making an individual feel better, and this injection doesn’t even claim to prevent infection or stop transmission. That’s the first and biggest thing here: the corporate media barely mentions that this experimental injection does not stop you from getting the virus. If they actually mentioned this, it would make some of their suggestions around requiring the injection ridiculous. 

    Nor does the therapeutic injection contain the virus; rather it uses genetic information to instruct the body’s cells to themselves manufacture virus proteins, and it attempts to reduce symptoms caused by those proteins (not the virus itself). It’s a synthetic new cocktail that is injected into the body — thus bypassing the body’s normal exterior defenses to foreign pathogens — to deliver genetic information to your cells. It has no long term trials, and drugmakers have no liability for death or disease it causes. Imagine a new experimental chemotherapy regimen and you’re in the right ballpark. It’s synthetic, so there will be side effects, we just don’t know what all of them will be yet.

    So what’s going to happen?

    For the drugmakers it’s a giant roulette wheel with no losing spaces. Their stock is up; they’re all in on seeing how far this goes.

  • A Balanced Media Diet for 2021

    A Media Diet Pyramid

    Welcome to the era of fake news.

    The number of media sources available to Americans has exploded over the past two decades with the growth of the internet. These myriad sources present the very same event in often dramatically different ways, which can be fascinating. The problem is, each source often labels all other sources as deceptive or even malicious by denouncing them as “fake news.”

    This creates a dilemma: Either accept one news source as the arbiter of truth and let it distinguish the fake from the genuine and thereby filter the news for you, or read broadly despite the warnings and trust your own intelligence to determine the veracity of the news you read.

    Choosing the first path — which many do — is creating increasingly distinct news bubbles in this country which in turn lead to social media “echo chambers” where a small and dwindling range of perspectives is available.

    This guide is for those choosing the second path.


  • My Take on 2020 and This Wild Election

    This is not what you’re expecting. In other years at this time I’ve sent you extensive breakdowns of every important race, measure, and proposition Northern Californians are voting on.

    This year is different. Politics have turned topsy-turvy, I haven’t had time to research more than a handful of races, and I’m spending what little free time I have writing a book about media distortion, propaganda, and fake news. It’s a fascinating topic. But a number of you have reached out recently and asked for my take on current events and the election. Rather than one long post, I’m covering the election in this post, and my thoughts on the craziness in the media in another post.

    This 2020 Election


    Yes there is this race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and some never-mentioned third-party candidates. I watched the debates, and I’ve been watching American presidential politics closely for over 20 years, and I can honestly say I’ve never been less excited about the candidates. This must be rock bottom. Even the Green Party candidate, Howie Hawkins, isn’t particularly good. The Libertarian, Jo Jorgensen, might just be the best of the bunch, which is saying very little. But you’re probably not reading this far to learn about my weak preference for Jo Jorgensen. Perhaps you’ve already voted anyway. Or perhaps you believe in QAnon or Russiagate and your mind is already made up. Our brutally rigged political process means only Trump and Biden have a chance of winning. We all know that. And they’re both very, very bad candidates to lead this country, so bad that the infuriating and surprising truth is…  I don’t have a strong preference between them. That’s right. Maybe this isn’t what you expected, maybe this even enrages you; this country is so divided right now that both sides see the other side as an existential threat to everything sacred about life. So, before you shame me or others who don’t see it the way you do, before I lay out the nearly infinite reasons each man is unfit to lead, I’ll let you know I do see reasons for supporting both Biden and Trump, and I’ll list them so that maybe, just maybe, we can all understand each other a bit more and rage and fear a little less. I hope you’ll consider that there are reasons to support that other old, white, corrupt, racist, rapist — the one that you don’t support.
