What is the Great Reset?
10 2021

Is a global authoritarian government about to take control of human life on this planet?
I try to avoid the term “Conspiracy Theory.” I believe it’s the anti-intellectual term of our era, the modern day blasphemy, the slur used to shut down free inquiry and imply that critical thinkers’ very thoughts are sinful or beyond contemplation.
But when exploring “the Great Reset,” it’s hard not to run across the word “conspiracy.”
That’s because there is something going on. It’s not theory anymore. When it’s mentioned on the news, when even automotive journals refer to it casually, it’s no longer speculation to debate the “Great Reset,” an out-in-the-open plan of global elites to act together as a sort of uber-government and make decisions for us all. A Great Reset is the stated policy of the powerful World Economic Forum, which hosts the annual Davos meetings. Last summer they hosted a giant “Great Reset” gathering and chairman Klaus Schwab wrote a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset.
“Freedom is always the freedom of the one who thinks differently.”
– Rosa Luxemberg
In the well-researched words of Robert F Kennedy Jr.:
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Posted in Covid Pandemic | Politics | Renewable Energy
by Tony Brasunas on March 10, 2021
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