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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness


Don’t judge the book by it, but I’m revealing the cover today to my new book, Red, White & Blind.

My deep gratitude to all of you who reviewed the potential book covers in my previous post! Special thanks to you if you voted for your favorites and commented as to why you liked the ones you liked. That was very helpful. Thank you!

It came down to a two-horse race. The runner-up was one that many of you liked, the red cover with the dripping paint crossing out the title. And the winner was…

Go Watch the Cover Reveal >

Now that you’ve seen it…

What do you think? Do you like the imagery of the eye behind the blinds? What does it evoke for you? Does it pull you in? Scare you off? Is it memorable?

Please let me know in the comments on the video or here on my blog. It’s very helpful.

Special kudos to Kevin Christaldi in Oregon who pointed out that the pulls on the blinds shouldn’t be red lest they appear to be drops of blood in a thumnail image. Kevin, do they look better now? Or do they look like tears now?

The next poll, coming up, will focus on the subtitle. I’ve spent a lot of time hammering it out, but it’s still subject to change, and I’m curious of your thoughts. How does it strike you: “Unveiling Disinformation & Censorship at the Dawn of the New Enlightenment.”

Tell me in the comments below.

Thank you once again.

Posted in Independent Publishing | Polls | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on September 10, 2022

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