Audiobook Released!
Just after the Trump-Kamala debate, just in time to help you decipher the endless streams of disinformation coming from the candidates, just as the parties’ surrogates and the Red News and Blue News analysts tell you what to think, I am proud to present the completion of this labor of love.
Written and read by yours truly, in the hopes of spreading truth, clarity, compassion, and knowledge, this is an audiobook that unpacks corporate media lies and points out a path to a deeper understanding of our world.
Let me read to you, at your own preferred pace and time:
» Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Audible) «
» Red White & Blind (the audiobook at Awesound) «
Awesound.com is an alternative audiobook distributor that enables you to purchase the book outright and listen to it on any platform you like. I’m running a promo there currently.
From Bernie to Biden, from Covid to Epstein, from wars to elections, I’ve investigated dozens of recent and historical events in order to illustrate the ways we are deceived. It’s an insidious minefield out there, but I never leave you wallowing in despair over the mountains of disinformation that confront us. The book offers insights and tips from myself and others on how to develop the savvy to discern the truth behind each story—what I call media consciousness. We are in the early phases of a great unveiling, an internet-birthed era that I believe is a New Enlightenment in which we are all gradually awakening to the actual truth about many, many things.
(more…) -
Reading at the Alameda Free Library
Delighted to announce I’ll be reading from Double Happiness at the Alameda Free Library on Tuesday evening, May 5.
If we translate “Cinco de Mayo!” into Chinese we have “Wu yue wu hao!” There will be celebrations, festivities, and a surprise giveaway.
The library is doing an “Armchair Travel” reading series, and I’ve been asked to read as the closing event of the series. So although I thought my final two events were the two Bay Area events in January, here’s another chance to get a taste of Double Happiness and to meet me at an event. I’d love to see you there!
Tuesday, May 5
6:30pm : Reading & Signing
Alameda Free Library
1550 Oak Street
Alameda, CA
Full Event Info > -
Site Redesigned!
The book is out. The hardcover, paperback, e-book, and even audiobook are now in the world, taking adventurers and armchair travelers on rugged journeys to China.
It’s time for this blog to shift slightly in focus. While still offering occasional updates on the publication of Double Happiness, and sharing my thoughts on the ever-changing world of writing and independent publishing, I’ll also be offering my thoughts on China, travel in general, and the inner life of learning and happiness I’ve been leading since coming back from China. And maybe some other topics too, if the inspiration strikes.
What do you think?
The old layout and design served me well for many years. Now it’s time for something new. In one of my lives I’m a software engineer and web designer. Let me know your thoughts on this new design. Try out the revamped comments section below.
Two Final Book Tour Events
Connecting with you throughout the country on this tour has been so fulfilling and fun that it’s hard to believe it’s coming to a close. But next week at Books, Inc., in Alameda, and later this month, at Green Apple Books in San Francisco, we will approach the end of the Double Happiness Book Tour.
These final two events, both in the Bay Area, should both really be great. Please come support our local independent bookstores for my only East Bay and San Francisco readings:
Friday, January 9 (EAST BAY)
7pm : Reading & Signing
Books, Inc.
1344 Park St, Alameda
Full Event Info >Saturday, January 24 (SF)
4pm : Reading & Signing
Green Apple Books
506 Clement St., SF
Full Event Info >Until then, trust yourself, have fun, take chances,
Tony -
The 8 Days of Christmas
As I mentioned during the Kicksarter, the number 8 is considered “lucky” and “happy” in China, and it is connected with the character for Double Happiness. In honor of the luckiness of 8, for these eight days, December 18-25, Double Happiness will be half free!
Gifts out of gratitude for anyone who would enjoy an adventurous and redemptive journey through the Middle Kingdom:
The Audiobook
Yes! It’s my pleasure to announce that after dozens of hours in a recording studio in Berkeley, CA, and after the hardcover, paperback, and e-book have been out for many months, the final format of Double Happiness is nearly here! I will write more about this in future posts, but to answer your basic questions:
- Yes, I read the book myself and tell the story for your listening pleasure.
- Yes, I pronounce the Chinese terms and words for you.
- Yes, it’s the unabridged whole book.
- Yes, it’s a wonderfully professional production. A double gratitude to the pros at Live Oak Studio.
- Yes, it’s availabe on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.
Update: It’s now published and available on Amazon and should be in iTunes and Audible any minute now as well!
Here it is: The Amazon Page >
January Events!
December will soon turn into January and with it, the book tour will wrap up. I’ve had so many wonderful events and so much fun connecting with you throughout the country, it’s hard to believe the book tour is coming to a close. There are a couple of final events left, and they should be great, so if you are (or will be) in the Bay Area, I will be doing my final reading events in January. Please come and support these wonderful independent bookstores. My only East Bay and San Francisco readings will take place:Friday, January 9 (EAST BAY)
7pm : Reading & Signing
Books, Inc.
1344 Park St, Alameda
Full Event Info >Saturday, January 24 (SF)
4pm : Reading & Signing
Green Apple Books
506 Clement St., SF
Full Event Info >That’s the news from Double Happiness land for now.
Double happy holidays to all,
Tony -
This Saturday, at the prestigious Book Passage
As I write this, the “Storm of the Decade” is apparently brewing directly over Marin County, California. Assuming the city of Corte Madera survives, I’ll be appearing at the wonderful Book Passage bookstore and cafe this Saturday afternoon at 4pm.
I would be delighted to see you there, to share storm survival stories, and to read a story to you about a wild journey through China.
Food and drink available for purchase in the cafe.
Saturday, December 13 (MARIN)
4pm : Reading & Signing
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera
Full Event Info > -
The Book Tour Comes Home
After taking me to the Midwest, the East Coast, the Northwest, and down to LA (twice), the Double Happy Tour, this journey to share a journey sponsored by my generous Kickstarter backers, is now taking me home. It’s a warm and delightful feeling, as the cold winter air blows in, to be able to share Double Happiness in person with readers and friends close to home.
After an event at the truly wonderful Changing Hands Books in the Phoenix area on Nov. 30, I’ll be in Marin County, reading at the Bay Area’s famous Book Passage in Corte Madera on Dec. 13. I look forward to sharing Double Happiness with you soon if you’ll meet me in Arizona or in the Bay Area.
I’m also planning another Bay Area event after the first of the year as well. Check this space soon for further details.
Sunday, November 30 (PHOENIX)
2pm : Book Signing
Changing Hands Books
6428 S McClintock Drive, Tempe
Full Event Info >Saturday, December 13 (MARIN)
4pm : Reading & Signing
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera
Full Event Info > -
Double Happiness Wins Two More Awards
It’s a delight and an honor to report that Double Happiness has received recognition at two more book awards ceremonies.
In addition to the awards it won earlier this year, Double Happiness has been recognized with these book awards:
- The Living Now Book Awards
Silver Winner
“Books For Better Living.” “Celebrating the innovation and creativity of newly published books that can help us improve the quality of our lives.” - Readers’ Favorite Award
Honorable Mention (TRAVEL)
“Readers’ Favorite is the fastest growing book review and award contest… receiving thousands of entries from all over the world.”
- The Living Now Book Awards
A Change in Perspective
Sometimes I get stuck in a funk, feeling desperate or depressed. It can be hard to even remember why or how it was that I felt good before.
If I can just find a moment or two of conscious awareness in these times, I remember that there are many ways to shift this experience. One extreme but effective way I’ve learned is to change my perspective drastically — by imagining I’m going to die.
Here’s how to do it: Close your eyes and take a moment. Pretend you just heard that, without a doubt, for sure, due to a freak and sudden painless accident, you are going to die precisely one year from today. Now ask yourself, What would I do?
Sit back and see where your mind goes. Just watch your mind for a minute. You’ll probably hear yourself say something like, “Well, I definitely wouldn’t worry about that anymore.” And then maybe, “I’d go do that, why not?”
Consider making those changes in your life right away.
But don’t do anything yet, obviously. This is just an exercise. Write down a few of the ideas that dawn on you.
Then try changing the timeframe. If you did one year the first time, now try three months or five years. And then sit back and see where your mind goes. You can try your own timeframe: one week, six months, or ten years.
It can be useful also to try a timeframe that is longer than you expect to live (particularly if you already have a specific life expectation for medical or other reasons.)
You’ll probably find yourself grateful about things you took for granted, angry about things you’ve been wasting time on for months or years, depressed about the repetitiveness of a pattern that you haven’t broken yet, and maybe excited that it’s time to take a chance on that thing you’ve been longing to try.
That’s what happens for me. And I usually see something cool that I hadn’t seen before.
When we remember that we all have this terminal condition called life, and that no one gets out of here alive, we can touch that mysterious miracle that we do have this time, at least. And that’s a change in perspective that has snapped me out of many a funk.
Do Book Awards Matter on the Cover?
As I’ve mentioned before, Double Happiness has been blessed to win several book awards.
Most book awards have decals that can be placed on the cover of the book, and this is a very good problem to have, obviously, but my question for you is: Should I acquire and attach decals for each award? Or just one award? Or none? Which looks best?
I want to present a great image to attract the people who would enjoy and benefit from the story of Double Happiness — as well as to sway some who might, you know, judge a book by its…
Some people have said they can’t really read the awards on the decals below. You can see the awards up close here.
Vote below. To vote for your favorite, just click on it. To vote for more than one, tick the boxes and click ‘Vote.’
There are more prestigious awards out there; none of these decals is yet for a Nobel Prize or a Pulitzer (one can always dream). Nevertheless I think including one or more of these awards helps potential readers and indicates a distinction about the book: professionals who spend a lot of time reading books have recognized Double Happiness as exceptional.
Another option is to have my wonderful cover designer add the award decal to the cover image itself, so that there’s no need to attach actual stickers.
What are your thoughts? Comment below; I’ve moved to social media commenting too. Do you like?
Thank you for your thoughts!
ps: You can still get Double Happiness for free or very reasonably priced during August and September.
A Great Review at Dragonfly Press
Dragonfly Press is a great small press here in California. One of their staff, Pushpa MacFarlane, has just published a perceptive review of Double Happiness.
Many thanks Dragonfly and Ms. MacFarlane.
Meanwhile, you can still get Double Happiness for free during August.
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