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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

PILOT EPISODE: How Epstein Got Away With It

The pilot episode of RW&B is here.

The book is done. The online book release is just a week away. I’m excited and a bit nervous now to turn to the other part of this endeavor: the show.

Yes, Red White & Blind will also be a video channel and podcast. My intention is to create a place where you and me and all of us can work together to uncover disinformation and bias in the media. I plan to host interviews with other journalists that you’d like to hear from and to do my own investigations into the most perplexing media stories of the day. This channel will be a place where we use a Balanced Media Diet to more clearly understand the world around us. The ultimate aim is to break the spells of mainstream news narratives in real time and uncover the stories behind the story.

I hope you’ll join me, show me my blind spots, and work to discern your own. We all have our blind spots. I’ve learned so much in the last three years writing this book, and I aim to learn much more in the next three years. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t even have all the questions yet. This is a journey, not a set of predetermined truths. 

Pilot Episode: Epstein

This first episode looks at the highly informative and highly troubling case of Jeffrey Epstein. How was he able to run an absolutely abominable pedophilia rape ring at the apex of the power structure of the Western World for twenty years?


This article also appeared at:
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Posted in Red, White & Blind | The Show & Podcast
by Tony Brasunas on January 29, 2023

Online Book Release: Feb 7!

The launch of Red White & Blind at Aqus Cafe was a peak experience of my life. It was so much more than I’d envisioned.

The rain was coming down in sheets outside, and it was a beautiful respite in the cozy confines of the cafe. I expected 20 people and then 60 showed up. The place was packed. It went silent as I shared my gratitude and read the passages I’d selected. That was wonderful. But it was the discussions that occurred after I read from the book that moved me most. Each question was deeper than the last.

It’s clear that many, many of us have felt stranded or abandoned by the dominant media narratives that purport to tell us what is happening in our world. Even more of us have lost connection with friends or family because of the polarized media landscape.

We talked about the problems, the narratives, and the lies. We talked about the possibilities too, the goals of Red White & Blind: media consciousness, a balanced media diet, and connecting with each other.

I’ve been trying to piece together photos and video to do the event justice and share it with you, but I don’t have the time or expertise to do it.

So I’m going to do something else. I’m going to do it again, this time online. As several of you suggested, I will host an Online Book Release and Conversation. I will share Red White & Blind with those of you who weren’t able to make it to Petaluma.

I would be delighted if you would participate. I would be honored if you might contribute your presence and thoughts to this book release.

Please join the conversation if you feel inspired.

Red White & Blind

Online Book Release
Tuesday, February 7th
Starts 5:30pm PST / 8:30pm EST
5:30pm – Celebratory toast & casual chat with the author
6:00pm – Book release
zoom meeting details >

Please reserve the time now in your personal calendar. I will be thrilled to see and hear from you as I release this book into the world.

Here is the Facebook event and the Zoom invitation.

I’ll see you there on the 7th.

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Posted in Book Readings | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on January 24, 2023


Red, White & Blind book cover

Today is the day.

Red, White & Blind day.

After years of work, I can now announce with much pride, relief, humility, and excitement that my second book is out.

Today, the paperback. Tomorrow, on 1/11/23, the ebook for kindle will be available.

Launch Event!

To get your hands on the book today, please join me for the launch party. I have received tremendous interest and I sense it will be a literary celebration tonight at the fabulous Aqus Cafe in Petaluma, California. The place has a mild Euro vibe, a slightly subversive mood, and features great food, drink, and atmosphere. It has built a wonderful community of artists, writers, and musicians in Petaluma over the last decade, and I’m honored to launch my book there. Please come if you can! It would mean the world to me to see you there.

You’ll also get your book first, at a discount, and signed by yours truly.

Order the Book!

If you’re not able to get to Petaluma tonight, no worries. I’m sure that’s most of you, and I would LOVE for you to order the book right now from the comfort of your home. Not only will you get to embark sooner on what I hope is your great personal journey towards media consciousness, but it will also boost the book’s numbers in its first week so that more other people will organically discover it via online search and discovery.

Order the book today and have it in your hands in no time!

This is just the beginning

I’m excited and hopeful that what I’ve uncovered and spent three years putting into print will be of use to you and to many in your life. I’m humbled knowing how much I was able to write and yet how much more I was unable to cover, consider, or investigate. Finally, I’m thrilled to see where the book takes us in the unfolding conversation about the news media, social media, censorship, disinformation, and our longing to be informed about the world.

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Posted in Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on January 11, 2023

The Book Launch is Here

Book Release Party!

After three years of research and revisions, my book will be out in just two days — on January 10, 2023!

You can preorder the book now and also read a free excerpt at my new site www.RedWhiteAndBlind.com

Launch Event!

I’m honored to announce that the official launch of Red, White & Blind will be a literary celebration at the fabulous Aqus Cafe in Petaluma, California.

Speaking of RedWhiteAndBlind.com, there is a new page on that site with everything you need to know about the event. It even includes a link to the Facebook event for those of you who enjoy the FB thing.

As for Aqus Cafe, it has built a wonderful community of artists, writers, and musicians in Petaluma over the last decade, and I’m honored to launch my book there. It has a mild Euro vibe, a slightly subversive mood, and features great food, drink, and atmosphere. Please come if you can! It would mean the world to me to see you there.

Red, White & Blind @ Aqus Cafe

Aqus Cafe
189 H Street, Petaluma

Tuesday, January 10, 2023
5:00pm – Dinner with the author 😀
6:00pm – Book launch!

Ok, that’s it for now. If you happen to live in the Bay Area, I would love to see you on January 10.

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Posted in Book Tour | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on January 8, 2023

At long last, THE RELEASE DATE!

Red, White & Blind is nearly here. You can preorder your copy for the holidays.

(Also revealed in this episode: the intro to the pilot for the show!)

Three years of writing and research. A changing media landscape. A pandemic. Two elections. And now this book looking at it all is done, edited, wrapped, and ready for you. You can even preorder it today as a gift for that person in your life who might benefit from understanding the news a little more clearly.

For me, this journey began in 2016, as some of you will remember. I was censored for covering that Democratic Primary from a perspective too kind to Bernie Sanders. From stumbling through the low valleys of that frustrating experience, to climbing winding roads through the biased American media, to navigating the hilltops of independent media perspectives with a balanced media diet, I feel like I’m approaching a summit of comprehension of our media landscape as I release Red, White & Blind.

I still have so much to learn.

Every insight, hidden truth, and lesson that I could pack into this book is in there. I hope you’ll read it. I hope you’ll let me know as you go if it helps you, what I got right, and what I missed. I hope you’ll join me on this road to media consciousness. I now know it’s a lifelong journey.

Red, White & Blind is just about here. I’m delighted to announce the release date. Click to view the release date announcement and the intro for the pilot of the show…

Thank you so much. I couldn’t have gotten to this point without your support!

The goal, as always, is to keep uncovering ways to decipher the news media and learn the truth—as much as possible—about the world we live in.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments here or beneath the video.

Best wishes,


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Posted in Double Happiness
by Tony Brasunas on December 15, 2022

Podcasts: Left, Right, Up, and Down

Podcast Collage: The Ripple Effect, Deprogram, Unbridled Minds, Forbidden Knowledge News, Tarabuster, Grimerica Outlawed

It’s been a blast appearing on podcasts and independent media shows in the weeks since I finished the manuscript. If you’d like to get a sneak peek into the revelations of Red, White & Blind before it’s published, listen today to one of my podcast appearances listed below.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how I did and your advice on how I could improve. I was nervous on the first podcast, probably too casual on the second, and failed to stand up for myself on the third. But since those first few, I believe I’ve improved at dropping in when touchy topics arise and proclaiming without fear the key points of the book.

As for the book itself, I can’t wait to get it into your hands. The publication date will be announced very soon. Consider these podcasts a teaser of what five years of research into the history of media distortion and propaganda have taught me. Our media system is deceptive, and it’s a huge problem as we live through elections, pandemics, and wars, but we’re also living in a time with a New Enlightenment dawning around us. We can know more of the truth about world events than any humans living before us—if we build the media consciousness to navigate the news and penetrate the censorship plaguing social media.

The diverse range of shows that have hosted me means you probably get to choose an interview hosted by someone with whom you agree (although I always recommend a Balanced Media Diet). I’ve been interviewed by left-leaning hosts (Tarabuster, Dig on America), right-leaning hosts (Deprogram, Grimerica), hosts seeking concealed truths (Unbridled Minds, Forbidden Knowledge News) and hosts just wanting to interview interesting people (Ripple Effect).

I’ve listed each show below with a snippet of its self-description and a brief summary of how I think it went, so you can choose your own adventure. I find each one listed here to be worthwhile, but if you want to listen to just one, I’d recommend Unbridled Minds or The Ripple Effect.


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Posted in Balanced Media Diet | Book Tour | In the Media | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on November 15, 2022