Online Book Release: Feb 7!
24 2023
The launch of Red White & Blind at Aqus Cafe was a peak experience of my life. It was so much more than I’d envisioned.
The rain was coming down in sheets outside, and it was a beautiful respite in the cozy confines of the cafe. I expected 20 people and then 60 showed up. The place was packed. It went silent as I shared my gratitude and read the passages I’d selected. That was wonderful. But it was the discussions that occurred after I read from the book that moved me most. Each question was deeper than the last.

It’s clear that many, many of us have felt stranded or abandoned by the dominant media narratives that purport to tell us what is happening in our world. Even more of us have lost connection with friends or family because of the polarized media landscape.
We talked about the problems, the narratives, and the lies. We talked about the possibilities too, the goals of Red White & Blind: media consciousness, a balanced media diet, and connecting with each other.
I’ve been trying to piece together photos and video to do the event justice and share it with you, but I don’t have the time or expertise to do it.
So I’m going to do something else. I’m going to do it again, this time online. As several of you suggested, I will host an Online Book Release and Conversation. I will share Red White & Blind with those of you who weren’t able to make it to Petaluma.
I would be delighted if you would participate. I would be honored if you might contribute your presence and thoughts to this book release.
Please join the conversation if you feel inspired.
Red White & Blind
Online Book Release
Tuesday, February 7th
Starts 5:30pm PST / 8:30pm EST
5:30pm – Celebratory toast & casual chat with the author
6:00pm – Book release
zoom meeting details >
Please reserve the time now in your personal calendar. I will be thrilled to see and hear from you as I release this book into the world.
Here is the Facebook event and the Zoom invitation.
I’ll see you there on the 7th.
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