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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

San Jose Mercury-News Feature Interview

Newspaper Feature on Double Happiness

Maggie Sharpe, a journalist for the Bay Area News Group, interviewed me for a feature piece in the San Jose Mercury-News. After asking me a dozen rather harrowing and open-ended questions, she told me to be patient.

A week later, I discovered that she put together a marvelous piece. I don’t know quite what to say. I have to admit it’s the article I imagined someone would write about the book someday.

Read it here: Author to talk about life-changing time in China

The piece appeared shortly before my event at the Alameda library, and I believe it brought out quite a few extra readers, travelers, and curious armchair adventurers.

Ms. Sharpe begins the piece:

When Tony Brasunas left U.S. soil for the first time to teach English in China, he had no idea what a life-altering experience it would be — nor that 15 years later, he would write a book about his teaching, traveling and the transformation he experienced.

She describes the time I fell miserably ill, exploring the niceties of that near-death experience, and digs deeper into what illness meant for my time in China.

Brasunas said that even negative experiences such as getting sick, getting ripped off at the markets and even being ignored or ridiculed by some of his students only increased his learning.

“I followed the thread of my instincts to what I wanted and to who I am,” said Brasunas. “This led me often to experience even ostensibly negative things in a positive light — that the negative moments and the positive moments were both a part of the magic of learning and of life.”

My gratitude to the newspapers that ran this piece (the Contra Costa Times and Alameda Journal also ran the feature), and, above all, to Maggie Sharpe for her excellent questions and even better writing.

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Posted in Double Happiness | In the Media | Inner Life
by Tony Brasunas on June 4, 2015

Wonderful Event at the Alameda Library

Signing Books at the Alameda Library

Reading Double Happiness at the Alameda Free Library
Free T-shirt for Double Happiness book buyers
Alameda Library Event

If this is the way I close my Book Tour, I might have to open it up again just to close it again.

One of my favorite reading events of the tour took place earlier this month at the Alameda Free Library. What I had called the final event was an event that had it all.

Karin, the librarian who hosted and organized the event, embarrassed me with an introduction. Then I greeted and thanked the 45 or so folks who filed in and took their places. I read the book’s prologue and first chapter.

There was so much curiosity and interest in the room that when I took questions from the audience, I actually had to insist people take turns. It was just delightful and fulfilling to share the story of Double Happiness with so many people.

I’m fairly certain I owe the nice turnout to the excellent article Maggie Sharpe wrote in the local paper that came out just a few days before the event.

Hardcovers & T-shirts

As for the sales of books, that was probably due to these facts: 1. the great nearby bookstore, Books, Inc., sent a representative to handle sales, and 2. I was signing the books, and 3. each new reader went home with a brand new “Trust Yourself” Double Happiness book tour t-shirt.

If you would like to get a signed book and a new t-shirt (while supplies last), you can do so easily right now by Joining the Journey.

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Posted in Book Tour | Double Happiness
by Tony Brasunas on May 24, 2015

Trust Yourself: T-Shirts have Arrived

Trust Yourself -- Double Happiness Book Tour T-shirts

Click to enlarge

Concert t-shirts for a book? Absolutely. What started out as a bit of humor has turned into an inspiring and creative side project.

To commemorate the Book Tour, during which I wandered for months and had so much fun seeing so many of you at places all around the country, I’ve created t-shirts with a list of the venues and dates.

In addition, the back of the shirt features the words “Have Fun, Take Chances, Enjoy the Journey.”

On the front are the words “Trust Yourself.”

Free at the Alameda Free Library

In gratitude to my Bay Area friends who have helped me so much along the way, to support Alameda’s great libraries, and to mark this final* event of the tour, I’ll give one of these American Apparel beauties to each and every human who comes to the event next Tuesday at the Alameda Free Library.

How Else Can I Get One?

While supplies last, I’ll include a “Trust Yourself” concert t-shirt when you order a signed book here, from Torchpost, the publisher.

Also, if you write a review, I’ll happily give you a shirt by hand, or mail it to you for the modest cost of shipping.

* Well, OK, I thought the last events of the book tour occurred in January, but here we are going strong into May. So hey, there could be another event I don’t yet know about.

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Posted in Book Tour | Double Happiness
by Tony Brasunas on April 29, 2015

Audiobook Celebration

Double Happiness - The Audiobook

To celebrate the fresh Springtime air, the new design of this website, and the launch of the audiobook of Double Happiness, I’m having some fun and giving away copies of the audiobook.

Here’s how to win one of eight five free copies of the audiobook:

  1. Comment on a recent entry in this blog. Tell me something you like, give me design feedback, or just say hi. (If you’re having trouble commenting, send me an email).
  2. Like the book on Facebook and share one blog entry on Facebook by clicking on the “share” icon below an entry.

That’s it! Two little things that let me know you’re out there, and I get to share the audiobook with you for free. If you’re not on Facebook, you can send out an email to your community.

The Audiobook – For the Pleasure of Listening

If you’re one of many who prefer to hear a story rather than read it, if that’s more pleasurable or convenient for you, or if you would simply like to hear my story in my own voice, give the audiobook a try. I’ll send it to you — a code and instructions to get set up. That’s a $29.95 value.

If all eight giveaway copies have already been given away, I’ll mention that here, so you’ll know.

And if you’re curious, here’s the page for the audiobook >

Posted in Double Happiness
by Tony Brasunas on April 19, 2015

Reading at the Alameda Free Library

Tony Brasunas Reads Double Happiness at Alameda Free Library

Delighted to announce I’ll be reading from Double Happiness at the Alameda Free Library on Tuesday evening, May 5.

If we translate “Cinco de Mayo!” into Chinese we have “Wu yue wu hao!” There will be celebrations, festivities, and a surprise giveaway.

The library is doing an “Armchair Travel” reading series, and I’ve been asked to read as the closing event of the series. So although I thought my final two events were the two Bay Area events in January, here’s another chance to get a taste of Double Happiness and to meet me at an event. I’d love to see you there!

Tuesday, May 5
6:30pm : Reading & Signing
Alameda Free Library
1550 Oak Street
Alameda, CA
Full Event Info > 

Posted in Book Tour | Double Happiness
by Tony Brasunas on April 10, 2015

Site Redesigned!

The book is out. website_redesign The hardcover, paperback, e-book, and even audiobook are now in the world, taking adventurers and armchair travelers on rugged journeys to China.

It’s time for this blog to shift slightly in focus. While still offering occasional updates on the publication of Double Happiness, and sharing my thoughts on the ever-changing world of writing and independent publishing, I’ll also be offering my thoughts on China, travel in general, and the inner life of learning and happiness I’ve been leading since coming back from China. And maybe some other topics too, if the inspiration strikes.

What do you think?

The old layout and design served me well for many years. Now it’s time for something new. In one of my lives I’m a software engineer and web designer. Let me know your thoughts on this new design. Try out the revamped comments section below.

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Posted in Websites
by Tony Brasunas on April 4, 2015