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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

Vote on the Subtitle!

I’d be honored to have your help with one more part of this forthcoming book. First, thank you for voting on the cover of the book. It’s now set, and I think it’s a beauty.

Choosing a subtitle might not be as exciting or as sexy as the cover of the book, but these little words that follow the title might be even more important in determining who finds the book

  • Search engines index the subtitle.
  • Humans looking for a book like mine won’t likely search on the words “red,” “white,” or “blind.”
  • The subtitle should also be a concise but accurate summary of the contents of the book.
  • Finally, and maybe most important, the subtitle should be an attractive pitch for the book.

Yes, in the words of RUN DMC, choosing a subtitle is tricky.

I’ve gone back and forth between several subtitles over the three years I’ve spent writing this book.

A part of me wants a positive spin in the subtitle, since the main title — Red, White & Blind — has a slightly negative sound. The book certainly reveals widespread distortion in the corporate media, but it also charts a course for a better world through a Balanced Media Diet and media consciousness.

But let me know your thoughts. I would love to have your help, and harness a little collective mental power to choose the best subtitle.

Please select the subtitle(s) you like from the choices below. Think about any searches you might do, and which words you might search on if you were looking for a book like mine. Also, feel free to pick and choose the words from different options and combine them in a subtitle you think would be best.

Which one would draw you in, intrigue you, make you want to read what’s inside?


Thank you so much! Please add a comment below as to why you voted how you did.

Posted in Polls | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on September 16, 2022

17 thoughts on “Vote on the Subtitle!”

  • Thanks everyone for your thoughts and votes in the poll! The votes have been fairly evenly distributed, which makes this harder. But I’m very close, after taking in so many opinions and ideas. I still can’t quite choose to focus the title on “censorship” or “disinformation.” And the way out I want to highlight will be one of these three topics discussed heavily in the book: ‘a balanced media diet,’ ‘media consciousness,’ or ‘the new enlightenment.’

    So, if you’re keeping score at home, it will be something in this pattern:
    [‘The Truth About’ | ‘Exposing’ | ‘Unveiling ]
    [‘Censorship’ | ‘Disinformation’]
    [‘at the Dawn of’ | ‘and the Path to’ ]
    [‘the New Enlightenment’ | ‘Media Consciousness’ ]

  • I favor “Censorship, Disinformation, and the Rise of the New Free Press.” The title implies that all Americans, on both side of the political spectrum, have been misled. This subtitle clearly states by what, and then directs the reader’s attention to, (and hopefully piques their interest in), a promising alternative. My opinion -use of the word truth imparts a certitude that may be a turn-off to some; the what/why option is too vague; and many (myself included) may not know what the New Enlightenment is.

  • “The truth About Disinformation and the Path to Media Conciousness” was my choice, I had made another comment but wrote the subtitle slightly wrong.

  • Thanks , Tony for the opportunity to contribute to your book subtitle! Everything I hear lately about media misinformation and independent media reeks of Qanon conspiracy theories and right wing dogma, the unveiling… and path to media consciousness is something that sounds refreshing, perhaps an answer to all of media’s problems from a more balanced perspective and I wouldn’t just pass it off, I’d open the book and read it!

  • I may be late on this, but thought the words media and disinformation were catchy – also, I always prefer short, especially for subtitles. The title is already wordy IMHO 🙂

  • Tony,
    I agree with you, I prefer your more upbeat title: #1: Unveiling Censorship… Enlightenment (as voted)

    + A possible contender, yet above preferred:
    #2: “Censorship, Disinformation, and the Rise of Independent Media”

    All hail! Best to you bringing things together.
    Warmly, Kenn

  • Wondering if the chinese themed background on this website is a conflict of interest…?

    PS Still like the “What Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You and Why.” I think it’s the most straightforward, least confusing, most provoking/engaging and to the point.

    • Yes, I need a new background for this page for sure. Leaning towards the logo. Or else some patriotic natural photo like Mt Rushmore or Washington Monument. Any thoughts or recommendations?

  • A few others seemed slightly arrogant, as though you alone were delivering answers rather than illuminating with your opinion.

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