Audiobook Landing Soon & Much More
2 2024
I’m delighted to announce that the audiobook of Red White & Blind is complete. Putting it together has been a long labor of love, and now it will launch in a matter of weeks—no later than the first week of September. If you prefer listening to books with your ears over reading them with your eyes, you will now get to enjoy this book in your desired format.

When I first considered how to create the audiobook, I reviewed the manuscript and realized that many segments would be best delivered in my own voice. So I set out to read the entire thing, from start to finish, forgetting for a moment how huge an effort it is to record an audiobook. And this book is longer and more complex than the narrative nonfiction of my first book, Double Happiness, so it took a bit more to get it over the finish line. The project even grew a bit as I went. I realized it needed audio breaks to indicate section breaks and new chapters, so I sat down and recorded some guitar riffs and interspersed them into the audio flow. I also employed a female voice to read the primary sources authored by women, and that female voice belongs to a human very important to me: my amazing wife Pamela.
So this audiobook turned into something approaching a radio play.
And now it’s done. I think you’ll enjoy the final product quite a bit if I do say so myself. It will be released and ready for your enjoyment in just a few weeks.
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Posted in Audiobook | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on August 2, 2024
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