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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

Posts on media distortion and my new book.

Audiobook Coming Soon!

You haven’t heard from me in nearly two months, but it’s not on account of censorship or deplatforming. The truth is, I’ve been hard at work narrating the audiobook of Red White & Blind.

To give it that personal touch, I’m narrating the RW&B audiobook myself.

I’m delighted with how well it’s coming together, but wow, it’s been quite an undertaking. Rather than hire a professional narrator, I opted to read the book myself, as I did with Double Happiness. I clearly forgot the enormous effort required to narrate an audiobook. The undertaking for an author is not simply reading his or her book; it’s sitting for hours at a time, reading sentence after sentence with meticulous precision and crystalline pronunciation. No stumbling, pausing, rushing, or throat-clearing allowed. It’s an athletic endeavor more than an intellectual or logical one.

All for you, dear readers. I’m thinking particularly of those of you who specifically requested the audiobook. This will be the narrated experience you’re looking for.

While it has been laborious, it’s also been a profound joy to revisit the work I did to pull Red White & Blind together.

In the end, I know this audiobook will be better, more interesting, and more compelling in my own voice. Sit back and let me tell you a story—or twenty—that illustrate deliberate media deception and that describe the brave new path we humans are on to a world with the freest sharing of knowledge in history, a veritable new Enlightenment.

That’s the news. I just wanted to let you know what I’ve been up to.

Preorder links for the audiobook will be posted here once I have them.

For now, the paperback and ebook, as always, are available.

You can even get a free, 20-page excerpt here.

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Posted in Audiobook | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on October 6, 2023

Episode 3: Media Lying Again About the Origin of the Virus

Yes, the corporate media is lying to you again about the origin of the virus

I laid out the facts in an earlier episode of the Red White & Blind show: The mainstream corporate media—and the New York Times in particular—hasn’t yet in three years published a neutral piece on the question of the virus’s origin.

Just after I released that video, more evidence emerged favoring the likelihood of a lab origin. But once again, rather than present that evidence fairly, a new round of corporate media narrative management has besieged us.

So this episode explores the newest revelations and the latest narrative control on perhaps the most important questions of our time: Where Did that Virus Come From?

I Suppose I Told You So

Long before I made either episode, I penned a long treatise on this topic of the origin of sars-cov-2. At the time, way back in the summer of 2021, I was only about 85% certain about my conclusions, and so I approached the topic with attention, care, and curiosity. The media was presenting the story at the time as if it were still an 85% certainty the other way—that the virus had originated through “natural zoonosis.” I knew that was wrong. I undertook many weeks of research, and I published a piece in June 2021 entitled Where Did the Virus Come From? You can still read it there on my blog.


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Posted in Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on May 13, 2023

My Interview on Project Censored

I spoke about RW&B on KPFA in Berkeley and then with the Young Republicans in San Francisco

I was delighted that the venerable KPFA radio interviewed me this past week here in the Bay Area.

I appeared on the station’s Project Censored show and discussed propaganda, censorship, and media consciousness — all great topics — and of course the new book Red White & Blind.

I was excited for the interview. KPFA is a formidable news institution here in the Bay Area, and it was one of my biggest media appearances to date. I thought it went well, but listen when you can and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

KPFA has anchored Left media in the Bay Area for decades. It is a flagship of the Pacifica Network of radio stations, which includes WBAI in New York and KPFK in Los Angeles.


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Posted in Book Tour | In the Media | Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on April 29, 2023

The Kirkus review of Red White & Blind, and Yours

Old-school book reviewer Kirkus has published a review of Red White & Blind. Over the years, this venerable publication has grown famous for savaging otherwise well-received books, so it was with some trepidation that I opened my browser to read its review. I was anxious moreover because RW&B is an independent critique of the mainstream media establishment.

Drum roll

To my pleasant surprise, the review begins with an accurate account of my path to writing the book. From there, the reviewer quite fairly describes the book’s thrust and thesis. The Kirkus appraiser even highlights the book’s political and thematic balance as well as the depth of the research it presents.

The reviewer describes the book positively as

a detailed history of media manipulation throughout US history, from World War I propaganda to deliberate CIA misinformation campaigns.

The review goes on to praise the book as “convincing” and “impressive.” In particularly, the reviewer highlights its balance:


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Posted in Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on March 31, 2023

How to Write a Review on Amazon

Review Red White & Blind in three quick easy steps:

  1. If you don’t already have the book, go get it at the Amazon book page.

      Download or Buy the Book >

  2. Go to the “Customer Reviews” page. You might have to log in or create a free account at Amazon.

    Go to the Customer Reviews Page >

  3. Leave a review and star rating. Write whatever you’d like. Two sentences are enough. Or write as much as you like. Tell others something that the book revealed for you or inspired you to consider.No need to add a headline or a photo unless you want to. In fact you don’t even have to write anything and can just leave a star rating if you prefer.

You’re done! Thank you. Your review will help more people find Red White & Blind.

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Posted in Red, White & Blind
by Tony Brasunas on March 19, 2023

Episode 2: Why Covid’s Origin Was Concealed for Three Years

I’m delighted to announce the release of a new investigative video on the new RW&B video channel. Just my second investigative piece, please let me know your thoughts.

This new episode delves into evidence that the crisis of media deception we endure as Americans is deepening. For absolutely no legitimate reasons, the origin of the coronavirus were censored for three years, and I uncover why.

Watch the new episode now:

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Video Episode: Why Covid's Origin Was Concealed for Three Years
Why Covid’s Origin Was Concealed for Three Years

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Video Episode: Why Covid's Origin Was Concealed for Three Years
Why Covid’s Origin Was Concealed for Three Years

Tracking for a year and a half

Longtime readers of this blog will know that I first wrote about the origin of the world’s least favorite virus way back in June 2021. I was reading a balanced media diet and noticed that the evidence was increasingly pointing to a lab origin. Nonetheless the very notion that the virus might have come from anywhere other than an open-air food market was still routinely called a conspiracy theory in mainstream corporate media.


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Posted in Covid Pandemic | Red, White & Blind | The Show & Podcast
by Tony Brasunas on March 17, 2023