My Interview on Project Censored
29 2023

I was delighted that the venerable KPFA radio interviewed me this past week here in the Bay Area.
I appeared on the station’s Project Censored show and discussed propaganda, censorship, and media consciousness — all great topics — and of course the new book Red White & Blind.
I was excited for the interview. KPFA is a formidable news institution here in the Bay Area, and it was one of my biggest media appearances to date. I thought it went well, but listen when you can and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
KPFA has anchored Left media in the Bay Area for decades. It is a flagship of the Pacifica Network of radio stations, which includes WBAI in New York and KPFK in Los Angeles.
Clearly the topics of media consolidation, propaganda, and bias appeal to Left critics of corporate power. That’s been true for a long time.
The Other Side of the Aisle on the Other Side of the Bay
In what I hope is a sign of this book’s broadening appeal — and a sign that people on more than one side of the political aisle care about censorship and narrative management — the following evening, I spoke about Red White & Blind on the other side of the Bay.
I was invited to be the featured speaker at a meeting of the San Francisco Young Republicans. It too went well. They gave me a long round of applause afterwards.
I make basically the same points to everyone group I speak to. I deliberately choose nonpartisan events to illustrate my points. Perhaps there is hope for this country after all. Perhaps this New Enlightenment isn’t so far away.
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