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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

Do Book Awards Matter on the Cover?

As I’ve mentioned before, Double Happiness has been blessed to win several book awards.

Most book awards have decals that can be placed on the cover of the book, and this is a very good problem to have, obviously, but my question for you is: Should I acquire and attach decals for each award? Or just one award? Or none? Which looks best?

I want to present a great image to attract the people who would enjoy and benefit from the story of Double Happiness — as well as to sway some who might, you know, judge a book by its…

Some people have said they can’t really read the awards on the decals below. You can see the awards up close here.

Vote below. To vote for your favorite, just click on it. To vote for more than one, tick the boxes and click ‘Vote.’


There are more prestigious awards out there; none of these decals is yet for a Nobel Prize or a Pulitzer (one can always dream). Nevertheless I think including one or more of these awards helps potential readers and indicates a distinction about the book: professionals who spend a lot of time reading books have recognized Double Happiness as exceptional.

Another option is to have my wonderful cover designer add the award decal to the cover image itself, so that there’s no need to attach actual stickers.

What are your thoughts? Comment below; I’ve moved to social media commenting too. Do you like?

Thank you for your thoughts!

ps: You can still get Double Happiness for free or very reasonably priced during August and September.

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Posted in Double Happiness | Writing
by Tony Brasunas on August 31, 2014

Read and Share Double Happiness for Free

Wow, that was fun. Over 2,000 copies of the e-book of Double Happiness flew off the shelves in 48 hours.

My deepest wish has always been to share the story with as many people as possible. May the story be read and shared far and wide.

I’m happy to keep giving it away, but I have heard that sometimes recipients of free books don’t actually read them, so I’m going to try earmarking the free books now for those who will commit to read it. Put simply:

For the rest of this month and the next month, the e-book will be free for those who will commit to reading it. The e-book will be $.99 for everyone else. At the end of September, the e-book will return to its normal price of $4.99.

Two ways to receive the e-book free in September:

  • Pledge to read it and review it. (Check the box for a free e-book).
  • Pledge to read it and share it with your friends via email (write to tony@tonybrasunas.com).

How to receive $5 off the print version:

Thank you. I’m extraordinarily grateful I’ve been able to publish Double Happiness and share it with so many readers.

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Posted in Double Happiness
by Tony Brasunas on August 11, 2014

Free Today and Tomorrow!: Celebrate Double Happiness Day with an e-book or paperback

Double Happiness Day is here!

It’s 8/8. If today is a busy day in the office, the offer will stretch into tomorrow, 8/9, as well.

As a gift to celebrate completion of this project:

The E-book is freewww.DoubleHappy.be/kindle
(reg. $4.99)

The paperback only $8.88 – www.DoubleHappy.be/paperback
(reg. $15.95)

Enjoy the journey!

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Posted in Uncategorized
by Tony Brasunas on August 8, 2014

Double Happiness for Free on 8/8!

To celebrate the completion and publication of Double Happiness, I am delighted to offer on Double Happiness Day the e-book, normally $4.99, for free to anyone.

A year ago we reached — and exceeded — the Kickstarter goal of $8888, which I described as the Double Happiness number. On 8/8, Double Happiness Day, I wish to share the celebration as widely as possible.

I also wish to express my gratitude to all the people around the planet who helped me explore China and helped me complete this book. None of it could have happened alone. It feels wonderful and fitting to offer the story for free as a way to celebrate.

Tell everyone!

Double Happiness free on
Friday, August 8, 2014

My deepest goal — the reason I wrote Double Happiness — is to share a story of growth, transformation, and hope with as many people as possible.

Tell anyone who would be interested in Double Happiness — an award-winning story of traveling in Asia, a fascinating portrait of life in China, and a tale of coming of age in today’s era of globalization.

Also, for everyone who wants to hold this gorgeous book in their hands and read the story on paper, the paperback will be just $8.88!

Come back to this space on 8/8 for instructions on the giveaway.

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Posted in Uncategorized
by Tony Brasunas on August 3, 2014

A Wonderful Day

The midday air is clear, sweet, and warm here in Alameda, California. It’s a gorgeous day for a walk to the beach. The first steps of my walk reminded me of that feeling of freedom I write about at the beginning of Chapter 26, on the bright morning after arriving in Xiahe: “My senses feast on the vibrant colors as if to satiate themselves after all the months and miles of concrete.”

Remember this part of double happiness: We’re nearly always more free than we think we are. We’re free to shape our experiences. If there’s something troubling you or frustrating you, you have the freedom to do something about it — to change the situation in a rational way or to do something totally unexpected to assert and experience your own joy and autonomy in the moment.

Enjoy this blessed day,

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Posted in Uncategorized
by Tony Brasunas on July 27, 2014