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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

‘Delightful’ ‪Double Happiness‬ highlighted in San Francisco Bay Area magazine

Alameda Magazine review

Take a trip to the Middle Kingdom,” opens a short feature review of Double Happiness in the East Bay’s Alameda Magazine.

Go to China “with Tony Brasunas as your guide, in this memoir-travel tome about his experience as a 22-year-old teaching English to ninth-graders at Peizheng High School. Brasunas is there in 1997, before the interconnectedness of the Internet, when ‘the motives of Americans in particular were suspect.'”

“The delightful chapters read like short stories.”

Read the full review: Tony Brasunas Finds Happiness in China

The review closes:

Brasunas pulls it all together for a retrospective that deftly and lovingly depicts the country responsible for his spiritual awakening.

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Posted in Double Happiness | In the Media
by Tony Brasunas on October 8, 2015